With the increasing number of Omicron cases, Te Whare Pounamu Dunedin Women’s Refuge remains committed to providing 24/7 essential critical services for our community. Our kaimahi - advocates will continue to respond to crisis call-outs, with all non-essential services being responded to by phone.
1. All non-essential services will be postponed. 2. Our office will remain closed however all kaimahi - advocates are available during 8.30am – 4.30 / 5.00pm Monday to Friday via their phone or email. You will be able to discuss any concerns you have with you advocate. 3. We will continue to receive referrals and all referrals will be triaged and followed up. 4. Our tamariki programme will continue to run (term 1) and we will follow all processes in place to keep a focus on the wellbeing of all. 5. Our wāhine kaha programme has been postponed until term 2
If you have any questions please email community.twp@refuge.org.nz
For more information on Phase 3, please visit: https://covid19.govt.nz/.../about.../our-response-to-omicron